These are beautiful figures and the best I have seen from HäT. They are of the same quality as their Peninsular British Infantry, the bonus being the figures are in three sets—Command, Marching and Skirmishing.
The straps, buttons and cuffs are raised and oversized just enough (like stage makeup) to be visible and for ease of painting. Their are just a few figures where cuffs/buttons become lost but is easily remedied by paint.
There are twelve unique marching poses, shoulder and support position. This gives the line a sense of motion and humanity. The officers have separate right arms with swords allowing for multiple poses. Personally my having is advancing with sword over the shoulder.
The separate arms also allow for more realistic sculpting and detail. The drum is a good example. This allow the drum sticks to be free and away from the body (as if he is actually playing.)
The drum is in two parts. I was worried it would be a fiddly affair but the fit is tidy and seamless. I used super glue and the adhesion is tight. Note, if you to to paint, painting is required before assembly. I was impatient and thought I could get away with it on the flag bearer.
Personally, the downside is the amount of assembly (arms and backpacks) as I like my toy soldiers to be that—toys and not model kits. However, the end result is fantastic. The three kit concept, one that HäT has pioneered in plastic, is truly a game changer.
Hopefully, this arrangement will be adopted for line infantry of all major nations.
(Pardon the lousy photographs. More shots will be taken when I have access to my wife camera.)
Many thanks to HäT for these wonderful figures.