Well, I recently lost my job—end of September—and vouched not to paint (much lest post) until I find work. As they say, finding a job is a full time job. And painting figures is a full time job and a half. I had to give up one to get the other to get the one back.
That said, I had been working on the following (before all this) and hope to post images s00n—
- Zvezda Cossacks
- Zvezda French Imperial Guard
- Zvezda Russian Grenadiers (these are sweet!)
- HaT Swedish Infantry (boring army/uniforms but if you're going to do Leipzig...)
- HaT French Fusiliers (as Saxons—not a fan of white uniforms bleech!)
- Waterloo 1815 Polish Line Infantry
- Revell Prussian Infantry (Naps, not Seven Years War though I am spying that era...)
- ESCI WW2 British Airborne (Up the Ox and Bucks!)
- Emhar WW1 US and Germans (just a small handful)
- Revell French Knights (Hundred Years War, these are in the pipeline, I've done a few and not quite pleased with the color yet. These may be a while.)